
The pathetic part is that I’ve already paid over a hundred bucks American to MLB.TV so that I can watch out of market games.  Out of market games, in MLB speak, are games that don’t play on local TV wherever you happen to be.  Since I live in Northeast Ohio, if I want to see any games other than the Indians, I need an out of market subscription to MLB.TV.  So, like I said, I’ve already paid.  So that I can watch the progress of the 2012 Campaign of my beloved San Francisco Giants.


Three games into the season we are, and the Giants are O and Three.  At the hands of the Arizona Diamondbacks, or Razorbacks, or whatever they are.  O and Three.


Today, I watched the whole thing.  The Giants had a 6 run lead.  They lost 7 to 6.  One of the plays went something like this:  Bases loaded (by Arizona, of course) less than 2 outs.  Grounder to third.  This is CHILD’S PLAY!!  Sandoval (the third baseman) fields the grounder and throws a little to the infield side of the Posey (the catcher)--this is a force out.  All Posey has to do is touch the plate with his shoe after he catches the ball.  Run scores, no out recorded. This game can only be referred to as a complete collapse.


And this three game sweep was when the Giants used their top three starting pitchers--the supposed strength of the team.  Lincecum, Bumgarner, and Cain.  

They are now in Denver.  To get their asses handed to them by the God-forsaken Rockies I imagine, but I will be spared.  I have to work.  

Thank goodness for work.  I can read about the game when I get home.

Starting pitcher today is Barry Zito.  I’ve always been a Zito fan.  No kidding.  Doesn't mean he's going to win.  But I'm a fan.

I spent part of the game time yesterday on the Internet watching highlights of Will Clark’s career with the Giants.  Man, those were better days.   The ‘89 Giants didn’t go to the World Series because they were the best team in the National League.  The went because Will Clark would accept nothing less.  He knew how to win, and that infected everyone around him.  

This group we have now?  Pathetic.


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