Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021


I might be completely wrong here, but it seems to me that if the BLM/antifa riots and lootings this past year had been dealt with in the same ferocious manner as the Capitol riot is now being dealt with, much of the grief of the past summer of discontent could have been avoided.

Not saying this prosecutorial conduct is specifically motivated to punish and intimidate Republicans and traditional Americans, but…..Oh, shit. I am too saying exactly that.

In other news, it’s beginning to look like 2021 is going to be worse in every possible way than 2020 was. Restaurants and bowling centers will never re-open and I’ll never again see the expression of a full face in any public area.

Are the democrat overseers happy yet? Is it even possible that California will impeach Gavin Newsome?

Stay tuned. Maybe Biden will say something coherent from time to time. You never can tell.


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