Xfi Advantage!!!!!
a follow-up to the Xfinity wifi hot-spot issue, I went back to the
Comcast corporate web site and read, I think, pretty much every word
there, and believe-you-me, that’s a bunch of words.
upshot of that review of information is that I failed to find any
mention AT ALL of Comcast deleting or disabling a wifi hot-spot due
to overuse (at least I think that’s what happened here). When I
say “over use” I’m sort of making that up, because there’s no
mention or documentation that over-use has any sort of definition or
advance warning. Or that it’s even a thing. The fact remains,
however, that when I actually used this wifi hot-spot, it
do I sort of have the feeling that I’m the subject of an episode of
the X-Files?
still interesting to me that Comcast touts this “benefit”, but
when it’s actually used and accessed, it gets disabled. As above,
I can only surmise that’s what happened, because no one at Comcast
seems to know, or will admit, that this actually occurs. Naturally,
they can’t deny that it is happening either.
course. Or, of course not. Whatever.
ahead and called their sales staff and signed up for “Xfi
Advantage”--Boy Howdy!! Now I have the Advantage!!
data, or so they say, at only a few bucks more than I’m currently
paying. I’ll reserve judgment until I get a bill.
daughter in Bakersifeld, California uses even more high-speed data
than I do. Her cable company is Spectrum (formerly Charter
Communications), and she has no data cap whatever. She pays
something around 50 dollars a month, unlimited data, no contract, no
modem rental fee, and Spectrum also includes a “nationwide
hot-spot” network that is part of the internet package.
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