“You’re Under Arrest for Foul Play”
While watching the local morning “news” program today—from
Portland, Oregon—there was a story about a guy who was found dead
at the Portland Zoo. Very sad. As the story unfolded, the news
reporter in the field said that the police did not suspect “foul
For the record, I’ve never heard the words “foul play” come
from the lips of a law enforcement spokes-being. News-people,
however, seem to be in love with it.
On a related note, I wonder if all TV news reporters are now women. Or
is that just in Portland?
In the interest of clarity, I don't live in Portland, and despise the
town. But what passes for local programming here in Castle Rock
emanates from either Portland or Seattle. It’s a coin toss for
content, but I usually go with Portland TV.
No, I don't really know why.
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