The Good Guys--2010 TV

I bought a new television. It's a 48” TCL Roku TV. Just in case you're wondering, the “TCL” is for “The Creative Life”. What the “creative” life has to do with watching TV is anybody's guess, but the TV is just dandy by my standards. It's a wide screen LED HD gizmo with a built-in Roku box. And, I got it on the cheap from Amazon. I hooked up some speakers and a sub-woofer to fix that tinny sound of the built-in speakers, and there you have it. I know what you're thinking, and you're right……….

Television Notes from the land of perpetual rainfall—Castle Rock, Washington

I've said this before, and I'll say it again: 1) I'm not a critic, I'm a fan, and 2) I like the short-run TV series.

A really long time ago (when I lived in Ohio), I tripped across a TV marathon of all the existing episodes of what was then a first-run TV show titled “The Good Guys”. There was no one in the house other than me and the dog. We caught most of season 1, episode 1 (the Pilot, if you like that term). It was so good that I stopped everything else and watched what FOX offered. When they played Thunderstruck by ACDC as the background music for a gunfight/car chase, I was hooked. And it was better than good. I knew it couldn't last. As usual, I was right. The biggest problem with being me is that I'm usually right. When FOX canceled the program after one season, I went onto Amazon and bought the series so I could watch it again whenever I wanted to for eternity.

The series is simple. It's a comedy/drama buddy police thing. Lots of gunfights and car chases. Plenty of rock-and-roll in the soundtrack. Every female is a Babe.  Right up my alley. Here's a partial Greatest list from The Good Guys:

-Best use of Thunderstruck in a gunfight/car chase
-Best assassin gunfights
-Best selection of handguns
-Best use of a 1980 Trans-Am as a police car
-Best theme song (Locksley)
-Best use of the flashback model for story telling
-Best use of the term “computer machines”
-Best detective mustache
-Best assassin footwear
-Best use ever of Eric Estrada's photo
-Best peach brandy and spoiled cottage cheese vomit

That list could have gone on FOREVER!! With the possible exception of Brimstone, this premature cancellation by FOX is the worst decision they ever made. Ever. I watch this program on occasion. The Pilot is the best 44 minutes of Television ever shot. With the best story, the best writing, the best actors, the best background music……….If you get my meaning and I think that you do.

OK, then—we got Madison, Wisconsin native Bradley Whitford as Detective Dan Stark, our mustachioed old school guy. He's a high-minded Julliard trained actor, but he would have been a fine Detective in my day. His Dad was George Van Norman Whitford, and if your Dad has more than 3 names, you're obligated to be either a sculptor or an actor. Glad he picked acting. He was married for 8 years to Jane Kaczmarek and they have three mutual kids. Whatta babe she is. He should have tried harder to hang onto her. He's been in plenty of stuff including The West Wing, but for me, his highlight was most likely a single appearance in 1994 in the X-Files.

Then we got Colin Hanks. Needs nothing further, really. His Dad is a big deal, so I guess he is too. Thing is, I think I prefer Colin to his Dad. He was in Band of Brothers and Drunk History, but this role, as the “By-The-Book” partner for Dan Stark is something to behold.

Look, it's like this—Everyone involved in this program is top-drawer. Every single one.

This is a genuine “Don't-Miss”. Catch it while you can, on Amazon and Netflix. You won't be disappointed.


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