Lost, Continued.....

Television Notes from the Rust Belt
Youngstown, Ohio.....

It gets worser and worser. Why I keep watching (even in commercial-free Netflix Land) is becoming more puzzling by the day. Nevertheless.....

The “others” have been uncovered. They look and act a lot more like the Deliverance crew than anything benevolent. As a side thought, I wonder if the writers are on crack. I'm just waiting for some banjo music now.

Just when I think that every hackneyed bit of writing has been inserted, we get an hallucinogenic dream sequence by Charlie (the heroin addict). I was wrong that the writers might be on crack. They're on Peyote. There seems to be an overly Christian religious spin in the dream sequence. Women with halos and such. Hmmmmm..........

OK, I hate myself for slamming this program. Really. The show itself is a train wreck and I can't take my eyes off of it. I try, but it just doesn't work. Someday I'll finish the thing, see how it turns out, and write a post mortem. Until then, I'll just be what I am.....A TV fan, not a critic.

Regarding Lost.......Not a complete waste of time (if you have a lot of spare time)--Have a look.


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