I'm Totally Not OK

I turn on the Weather Channel just about every day—True, they're trying to be something they aren't—To Wit: MSNBC Light—like that's even possible—but I digress.....

The Weather Channel is an easy target, but they must like it that way or they'd change their general behavior. I watch it to get the forecast. Nothing else. So I watch until I see the forecast and suffer through whatever nonsense they have before hand.

They have a boy and a girl as their co-anchors. No, I don't know their names even though I look in their general direction for a maximum of ten minutes every morning (that's because the forecast is every ten minutes.....get it?). The boy is a nice looking young man with short blonde hair and an easy laugh. The girl is a good looking athletic type who wears clothing that's too tight. She's the one who drives me nuts.

This morning, they had a feature on a ten year old boy who landed a bull shark with a rod and reel. His proud dad took a video. The Weather Channel got the video. Our girl co-anchor said, and I can quote this: “I'm totally not OK with this”.

And I'm totally not OK with that sort of language from an alleged professional.


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