Year of the Bible

The State House in Pennsylvania should just go ahead and pass some more resolutions.  I suggest:
1)  Year of the Ass-Holes
2)  Year of the Idiotic Lawsuit

Reprinted from Fox News:

HARRISBURG, Pa. –  A national atheist and agnostic group is suing Pennsylvania lawmakers for passing a resolution that declares 2012 as "The Year of the Bible."

MyFOXphilly reports the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) filed a federal lawsuit on Monday arguing that the Pennsylvania House's declaration is unconstitutional.

The resolution, which was authored by State Rep. Rick Saccone, passed unanimously in January.

The lawsuit names Saccone as one of three plaintiffs, and claims the resolution is tantamount to the state endorsing "state-sponsored religion."

They also claim to take issue with content in the Bible, including "violent, sexist and racist models of behavior that FFRF members find personally repugnant."

"(This content) potentially could encourage persons who rely on them to act in a manner harmful to them and others," the lawsuit claims.

Saccone has said the resolution is meant to recognize the impact the Bible has had on the U.S. and on the state, and does not inhibit anyone from believing or not believing in any faith.

"Most citizens don’t remember that a joint session of Congress passed a similar resolution signed by President Ronald Reagan on February 3, 1983, declaring that year as the Year of the Bible in America," Saccone said.

In February, Democratic Rep. Mark Cohen said he wanted to reconsider the resolution, and that he regretted that he didn't realize the resolution's content at the time of the vote.


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