Possum and Taters

When it all comes apart--and it just might--you'll thank me for this:

Possum and Taters 

1 young, fat possum 
8 sweet potatoes 
2 tablespoons butter 
1 tablespoon sugar 

Directions: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight either outside or in a refrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stew the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste often with the drippings. 


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