Dear Jack

Dear Jack--

It’s been a while.   Should have written earlier, but, well, you know....the duties of life seem to get in the way of writing sometimes.  Doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about you from time to time.

Drew and Katie made it legal a while back, and you now have a grandson named August.  He’s a handsome little fart, and Glenda tells me that he’s the spitting image of Drew.  They’re living in Long Fargin’ Beach of all places, but seem fine.  Like you expected anything else.

Paige has what appears to be a long-term solution to the “guy” issue in her life.  His name is Will and he looks like he’s following your career path.  Nice guy, and his family lives in Akron.  Glenda and I met them this last Christmas season.  If Will doesn’t treat Paige well, I’ll be happy to track him down and beat all his teeth out with a rock.

Cale found a mate.  He and Alice were married in Portland recently.  He’s going to be step-dad to Alice’s Hawk.  He seems to be up to the challenge.  I’ll offer advise when it’s requested, but won’t volunteer anything.  Alice is wonderful--you’d like her.  They’re setting up housekeeping in Portland.

I’d like to see all of them closer to Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania--We’ll see.

Glenda’s been climbing my frame for a couple of years now to start a tile and grout project.  No, it doesn’t seem to matter what we’re going to tile, just as long as it’s artistic and groovy and happenin’.  Or tile a wall.  But she MUST TILE SOMETHING!!  You know.  Spring came early this year, and she’s making a tile-top table.  Legs made out of tree branches.  Utilizing my power tools.  I’m trying to stay clear of the whole thing.

That’s it from this corner, Jack.  Hope all is well--



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