The Nettalk Duo Telephone Device

Just a brief comment here—I recently added a second phone line here at the house with the addition of a device called “Nettalk Duo”.  Looked like an altogether better device than the “Magic Jack”—truth be told, they have similar capabilities these days, but I just couldn’t live with a “magic” device.  The name “Magic Jack” sounds like infomercials and virus-laden software while “Nettalk Duo” brings to mind quality engineering.

The Nettalk Duo is available at  That’s where I got mine, anyhow.  The price is $49.95  including the first year fee of $29.95 (that’s $2.50 a month, campers) which includes unlimited local and domestic long distance.  These things are available from vendors on eBay and Amazon, but they cost more—go figure. 

It hooked up easily and quickly into my Linksys G router.  Works like a—get this—telephone.  Whaddya know.

So far, I have no complaints.  Good job, Nettalk Duo.


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